


Introducing our ever-evolving class, which originated 9 years ago with a powerful vision: to unite individuals from diverse cultures, races, and genders, moving to a shared beat and creating an atmosphere where racism and judgments hold no sway.

We are thrilled to say that this vision has been accomplished! With an electrifying array of international music and captivating dance steps, our Boujé class will exhilarate and immerse you in the rhythm, inspiring you to let go and embrace the joy of movement.


Welcome to our exhilarating Zumba class, a fusion of dance and fitness that will leave you energized and smiling. Get ready to move to the infectious rhythms of music as you dance your way to a healthier and happier you.

Our Zumba class combines high-energy cardio workouts with easy-to-follow dance moves, making exercise feel like a fun and exciting party. Burn calories, improve cardiovascular endurance, and tone your body while enjoying the vibrant and lively atmosphere.

It's a fitness journey that feels more like a celebration. Get ready to sweat, groove, and unleash your inner dancer!

zumba logo


Welcome to our heart-pumping H.I.I.T. class, an intense and effective workout that maximizes your fitness results in minimal time.

High-Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) involves short bursts of intense exercises followed by brief recovery periods, challenging your cardiovascular endurance, strength, and metabolism.

Led by our dedicated instructors, this invigorating class will push your limits and leave you feeling accomplished, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a time-efficient and impactful fitness routine.

Fit 360

This class was designed to help your body move and feel its best by incorporating elements of resistance, flexibility, and balance training.

This "Boot-camp"
style class will push you to work past your limits with workouts carefully crafted to make you sweat and give you the results you're looking for in your fitness journey.

fit 360 logo

Boot Camp

Join our Bootcamp class for a challenging and dynamic workout experience that will push your physical and mental boundaries.

Led by our motivating instructors, this high-energy class incorporates a mix of strength training, cardio exercises, and functional movements, designed to build strength, increase endurance, and boost overall fitness levels.

Body Blast

Unleash your full potential in our Body Blast class, an exhilarating and results-driven workout experience similar to Bootcamp.

This high-intensity class combines a diverse range of exercises, from bodyweight movements to resistance training, to help you build strength, torch calories, and achieve your fitness goals.

Belly dance

Belly Dance

Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing movements, and sensual rhythms as you learn the fundamental techniques and mesmerizing choreographies of belly dancing. Through a fusion of traditional and contemporary styles, our classes provide a joyful and empowering environment.

Join us and embark on a transformative journey that not only nurtures your physical fitness but also boosts your confidence, and creativity. This class is designed for all levels, from beginners to experienced dancers.


MixxedFit® is a people-inspired fitness program mixing explosive dancing with boot camp toning.

Everything about this program can be described as explosive—movements are always big and exaggerated. We dance to our favorite songs on the radio.

mixxed fit logo

Fitness & Nutrition

This program is designed to help you achieve your health and wellness by creating a holistic approach to improving your fitness and overall well-being.

You will learn practical strategies to make sustainable lifestyle changes that will enhance your fitness results and contribute to long-term health. Whether you're just starting your fitness journey or looking to take your fitness to the next level, our Fitness & Nutrition class is the perfect opportunity to cultivate a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


The class guides students through a series of gentle stretches to awaken the body and prepare it for a flowing sequence of yoga poses.

A strong connection between breath and movement allows students to cultivate mindfulness, build strength, and increase flexibility. Yoga is a perfect complement to other forms of exercise. All levels welcome.

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9:30 AM

HIIT Workout


High-Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) involves short bursts of intense exercises followed by brief recovery periods, challenging your cardiovascular endurance, strength, and metabolism.

Led by our dedicated instructors, this invigorating class will push your limits and leave you feeling accomplished, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a time-efficient and impactful fitness routine.

10:30 AM



With an electrifying array of international music and captivating dance steps, our Boujé class will exhilarate and immerse you in the rhythm, inspiring you to let go and embrace the joy of movement.

6:00 PM

HIIT Workout


High-Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) involves short bursts of intense exercises followed by brief recovery periods, challenging your cardiovascular endurance, strength, and metabolism.

Led by our dedicated instructors, this invigorating class will push your limits and leave you feeling accomplished, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a time-efficient and impactful fitness routine.

6:45 PM



With an electrifying array of international music and captivating dance steps, our Boujé class will exhilarate and immerse you in the rhythm, inspiring you to let go and embrace the joy of movement.

5:45 AM

Body Blast


This high-intensity class combines a diverse range of exercises, from bodyweight movements to resistance training, to help you build strength, torch calories, and achieve your fitness goals.

9:30 AM

Fit 360


This class was designed to help your body move and feel its best by incorporating elements of resistance, flexibility, and balance training.

This "Boot-camp"
style class will push you to work past your limits with workouts carefully crafted to make you sweat and give you the results you're looking for in your fitness journey.

6:00 PM

Fit 360


This class was designed to help your body move and feel its best by incorporating elements of resistance, flexibility, and balance training.

This "Boot-camp"
style class will push you to work past your limits with workouts carefully crafted to make you sweat and give you the results you're looking for in your fitness journey.

9:30 AM



Our Zumba class combines high-energy cardio workouts with easy-to-follow dance moves, making exercise feel like a fun and exciting party. Burn calories, improve cardiovascular endurance, and tone your body while enjoying the vibrant and lively atmosphere.

It's a fitness journey that feels more like a celebration. Get ready to sweat, groove, and unleash your inner dancer!

6:00 PM



Our Zumba class combines high-energy cardio workouts with easy-to-follow dance moves, making exercise feel like a fun and exciting party. Burn calories, improve cardiovascular endurance, and tone your body while enjoying the vibrant and lively atmosphere.

It's a fitness journey that feels more like a celebration. Get ready to sweat, groove, and unleash your inner dancer!

9:30 AM

HIIT Workout


High-Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) involves short bursts of intense exercises followed by brief recovery periods, challenging your cardiovascular endurance, strength, and metabolism.

Led by our dedicated instructors, this invigorating class will push your limits and leave you feeling accomplished, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a time-efficient and impactful fitness routine.

10:30 AM



With an electrifying array of international music and captivating dance steps, our Boujé class will exhilarate and immerse you in the rhythm, inspiring you to let go and embrace the joy of movement.

6:00 PM

Fit 360


This class was designed to help your body move and feel its best by incorporating elements of resistance, flexibility, and balance training.

This "Boot-camp"
style class will push you to work past your limits with workouts carefully crafted to make you sweat and give you the results you're looking for in your fitness journey.

6:45 PM



With an electrifying array of international music and captivating dance steps, our Boujé class will exhilarate and immerse you in the rhythm, inspiring you to let go and embrace the joy of movement.

9:30 AM



Our Zumba class combines high-energy cardio workouts with easy-to-follow dance moves, making exercise feel like a fun and exciting party. Burn calories, improve cardiovascular endurance, and tone your body while enjoying the vibrant and lively atmosphere.

It's a fitness journey that feels more like a celebration. Get ready to sweat, groove, and unleash your inner dancer!

8:45 AM



9:00 AM

Fit 360


This class was designed to help your body move and feel its best by incorporating elements of resistance, flexibility, and balance training.

This "Boot-camp"
style class will push you to work past your limits with workouts carefully crafted to make you sweat and give you the results you're looking for in your fitness journey.

10:00 AM



With an electrifying array of international music and captivating dance steps, our Boujé class will exhilarate and immerse you in the rhythm, inspiring you to let go and embrace the joy of movement.

10:45 AM

Belly Dance


Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing movements, and sensual rhythms as you learn the fundamental techniques and mesmerizing choreographies of belly dancing. Through a fusion of traditional and contemporary styles, our classes provide a joyful and empowering environment.

Join us and embark on a transformative journey that not only nurtures your physical fitness but also boosts your confidence, and creativity. This class is designed for all levels, from beginners to experienced dancers.

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